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Black Jade's Masquerade | home
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The House of Tremere
![]() This isn't Hell, but you can SEE it from here.
The Crow - J. O'Barr
The House of Tremere
![]() The Chantry
“We use ideas merely to justify our evil, and speech merely to conceal our ideas.” --- Voltaire, Dialouge XIV
![]() “ ....... with an alien people clutching to their gods. I should be glad of another death.” --- T.S. Eliot, “Journey of the Magi”
![]() Thaumaturgy:
The Path of the Blood
The Lure of Flames
Movement of the Mind
The Path of Conjuring
Path of the Levinbolt
The Path of Shadowcrafting
The Path of Transformation
The Path of the Traveller
The Path of Inner Silence
The Path of Aeolus
The Path of the Quickening Mind
The Path of Luminescence
The Path of the Blood Rose
The Path of Nature's Touch
The Mother's Influence
The Path of Dreams
The Path of Voodoo
The Path of Corruption
Elemental Mastry
Hands of Destruction
Neptune’s Might
Weather Control
Spirit Thaumaturgy
The Vine of Dyonysus
The Green Path
The Path of Technomancy
Spirit Manipulation
Thuamaturgical Countermagic
The House of the Eternal
The House of the Grail
The House of the Enlightened
The House of the Mother
The House of the Thunder
The House of the Dark Veil
Labatory: generally suplied for each chantry member
*** Library
Private Quarters Area
Ritual Chamber
![]() The Code of Tremere
I, [initiate's name], hereby swear my everlasting
loyalty to House and Clan Tremere and all its members.
I am of their blood, and they are of mine. We share our
lives, our goals, and our achievements. I shall obey
those the House sees fit to name my superiors,
and treat my inferiors with all the respect and care
they earn for themselves.
I will not deprive nor attempt to deprive any member
of House and Clan Tremere of his magical power.
To do so would be to act against the strength of our House.
I will not slay nor attempt to slay any member of the House
and Clan except in self-defense, or when a magus has been
ruled outlaw by a properly constituted tribunal. If a magus has
been ruled an outlaw, I shall bend all efforts to bring such
magus to justice.
I will abide by all decisions of the tribunals, and respectfully
honor the wishes of the Inner Council of Seven and the wishes
of my superiors. The tribunals shall be bound by the spirit of the
Code of Tremere, as supplemented by the Peripheral Code
and interpreted by a properly constituted body of magi. I have
the right to appeal a decision to a higher tribunal, if they should
agree to hear my case.
I will not endanger House and Clan Tremere through my actions.
Nor will I interfere with the affairs of mundanes in any way that brings
ruin upon my House and Clan. I will not, when dealing with devils, or
others, in any way bring danger to the clan, nor will I disturb the fairies
in any way that should cause them to take vengeance on the House and
Clan. I also swear to uphold the values and goals of the Camarilla, and
I will maintain the Masquerade. Insofar as these goals may conflict with
my goals, I will not pursue my own ends in any way that would endanger
the Masquerade. The strength of the House and Clan Tremere depends
on the strength of the Masquerade.
I will not use magic to scry upon members of the House and Clan
Tremere, nor shall I use it to peer into their affairs.
It is expressly forbidden.
I will train only apprentices who will swear to this code,
and should any of them turn against the House and Clan,
I shall be the first to strike them down and bring them to justice.
No apprentice of mine shall be called magus until he first swears
to uphold the code. I shall treat my apprentices with the care
and respect that they earn.
I concede to my elders the right to take my apprentice should
it be found that my apprentice is valuable to an elder's work.
All are members of the House and Clan and valuable first to
these precepts. I shall abide by the right of my superiors to
make such decisions.
I shall further the knowledge of the House and Clan and share
with its members all that I find in my search for wisdom and power.
No secrets are to be kept, or given, regarding the arts of magic,
nor shall I keep secret the doings of others which might bring
harm to the House and Clan.
I demand that, should I break this oath, I should be cast out of
the House and Clan. If I am cast out, I ask my brothers to find
and slay me that my life may not continue in degradation and infamy.
I recognize that the enemies of the House and Clan are my enemies,
that the friends of the House and Clan are my friends, and that the
allies of the House and Clan are my allies. Let us work as one and
grow hale and strong.
I hereby swear this oath on [current date]. Woe to they who try to
tempt me to break this oath, and woe to me if I succumb to such
Spruce, Tremere Primogen:
![]() Links for Tremere:
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